Large Data Analysis slow

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Joined: 03/06/2017 - 09:20
Large Data Analysis slow

Im  using Idea 10 on a Citrix Server (Windows 2008 r2, XenApp ).  Data analysis is sluggish on Large Data files.  What is suggested, migrate to SQL, Oracle ?
And if so , how to migrate SQL Platform

Brian Element's picture
Brian Element
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 19:57

Hi Nightwing and welcome to the site.

IDEA will always be slow when the information is stored outside of a local drive.  IDEA is fairly disk intensive so if you are going through a network or a server there is lots of back and forth between the program and the network which will usually slow down the analysis, especially with large files.  The best option is to have your files on a local drive that IDEA can access or if they have to be on a network then consider getting the server version of IDEA.

Hope this helps a bit.
