'section to call of fuction to perform the analysis Sub Main_Function_Caller(MasterDb As Object, UserChoice() As String) Dim c As String c = "," If UserChoice(2)<>"N/A" Or UserChoice(3)<>"N/A" Then '1st Tier Call AppendFields_CR_DR (MasterDb, UserChoice()) If UserChoice(0)<>"N/A" And UserChoice(4) <>"N/A" Then '2nd Tier Call Append_Period(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call GapDetection(MasterDb,UserChoice()) If UserChoice(4) <> "N/A" Then '3rd Tier Call Summarize_JE_by_Day(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Weekend_journals(MasterDb,UserChoice()) If UserChoice(8) <>"N/A" Then '4th Tier Call Missing_Descriptions(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Unusual_Descriptions(MasterDb,UserChoice()) If UserChoice(12) <>"N/A" Then '5th Tier Call Manual_journals_to_Control_Accounts(MasterDb,UserChoice) If UserChoice(0) <>"N/A" And UserChoice(1)<>"N/A" And UserChoice(6)<>"N/A" And UserChoice(10)<>"N/A" Then '6th Tier Call Duplicate_Journals(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Summarize_by_Period(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Summarize_by_Account(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Summarize_by_FSCategory(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Round_Numbers(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Call Unusual_Postings(MasterDb,UserChoice()) Else MsgBox "Values for the following fields:" & CrLf & _ "Ref" & c &"Value" & c & "Account No"&c & "FS Type" & CrLf & _ "are not provided therefore this procedure will terminate." '6th Tier End If Else MsgBox "Value for field 'Manual Journal Ref' is not provided therefore this procedure will terminate" '5th Tier End If Else MsgBox "Value for field 'Details' is not provided therefore this procedure will terminate" '4th Tier End If Else MsgBox "Value for field 'Date' is not provided therefore this procedure will terminate" '3rd Tier End If Else MsgBox "Value for either field: Ref/Date' is not provided therefore this procedure will terminate" '2nd Tier End If Else MsgBox "Value for neither of fileds:CR or DR has been provided therefore this procedure will terminate" '1st Tier End If Set MasterDb = Nothing Set table = Nothing End Sub