Review Status


This script is a good utility script for adding x number of multistate fields along with opotion comment fields.  This would be useful for anyone using IDEA to change a sample database into one where a user can track and comment on audit steps.



' IDEAScript :    Review Status.iss

' Author :           Brian Element -

' Date :              March 9, 2012

' Purpose :        This script will add x number of multistate fields along with an optional comment field to a field

' Modified:        March 10, 2012 - added a field to enter comment lenght and help menu



This script allows you add up to 5 multistate fields and 5 comments fields.  A multistate field allows you to leave it blank, check mark, red x or question mark.  The comment fields can be from 1 to 500 (current IDEA maximum) characters.


This script allows you to quickly turn an IDEA database into a tick sheet that you can use to record your findings when reviewing the transactions.


When you run the script you will have the following dialog box:



From this dialog you can select the file you want to add the fields to, the number of fields (up to 5) and the default field name.  If you click on the Select to add comment fields you have the choice of the default name for the comment field and the number of characters.



If you select 3 fields to add along with comments your database would be modified in the following way:



As you can see there are now 3 multistate columns and 3 editable columns added to the database.

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